Lockdown at Lenox: New Rule Bans Minors from Mall After 3 p.m.
Mall Mayhem: Lenox Square, a beloved Dubs shopping center, has become less accessible to younger shoppers following the implementation of a new rule that bans minors from venturing to the mall after 3 p.m.
Lenox Mall has been a staple shopping destination for Atlanta citizens for years. However, due to unfortunate instances of gun violence in recent years, many shoppers have chosen to take their shopaholic tendencies elsewhere (Who could blame them?). While out shopping, your only worry should be about how much money you’re spending, not whether or not you’ll come face to face with crime.
Over the past few years, violence at Lenox Mall has become all too common. With a surge in crime at the mall in the form of armed robberies and other gun violence in stores and in parking lots, many of our Dubs simply don’t feel safe while shopping at Lenox. What once was a lively, luxury mall with loads of young shoppers has now turned into a place many avid shoppers intentionally avoid. In just the past two years, there have been at least ten shootings inside of the mall or just outside in the parking lots. “One second I was in the dressing room trying on some PJs, and the next I was taking shelter in the Gap basement as an armed man allegedly roamed the mall,” said junior Elizabeth Ackerman.
So how is Lenox Mall planning to combat this surge in violence and crime? A new rule enacted on September 21 is aimed to be a part of the solution. This new rule states that all Lenox Mall shoppers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or adult — that is 21 or older — anytime after 3 p.m. Shockingly enough, many of these acts of violence have been at the hands of some of the mall’s youngest shoppers: teenagers. The most recent shooting incident at Lenox Mall took place shortly after the new rule had gone into effect. So, will this new rule effectively allow for a return of safe and carefree shopping? Only time will tell. “I intentionally avoid going to Lenox Mall,” said junior Isabel Pileggi. “The violent atmosphere is just not worth the stores that the mall offers. I would rather shop online from the comfort of my home and without the worry that I could potentially be present for one of Lenox’s many shootings.”
So how do our Dubs feel about this new rule? For those who were already abstaining from shopping trips at Lenox, the new rule adds no new difficulty to their shopping excursions. However, for those who depended on Lenox to get their shopping done at some of the mall’s many stores, this new rule is more than inconvenient. The ban after 3 p.m. means that shopping after-school is no longer a possibility, unless you can trick someone 21 or older into going with you. There is a general census of extreme inconvenience from the Dubs about the change.
For Atlanta (and the Dubs’ sake) it is highly hoped that Lenox Mall can return to what it was years ago: a place for shopping that is free of metal detectors and intense security measures. For now, though, for those brave enough to venture to Lenox for a cute new top, make sure you arrive before the clock strikes three. And of course, grab your wallet, bullet proof vest… I mean car keys, and get that shopping done!