Students Are Tearing the School Apart—Literally!

Vain Vandals: Due to a popular TikTok trend called “Devious Licks,” North Atlanta’s bathrooms have been damaged by participants of the trend. Pictured is sophomore Stacy Carter showing her disapproval of the trend.
It is a privilege to be able to attend such a beautiful school like North Atlanta. Teachers are caring, activities are abundant, and there are hardworking janitors and staff that push to keep this school thriving. However, amidst recent bathroom vandalism, it is apparent that some North Atlanta students could care less about the well-being of the school.
Social media always seems to get traced back to the root of our problems. A recent Tik Tok trend called “Devious Licks” has encouraged students to steal and destroy school property. Against better judgment, students have participated in this “challenge” and caused damage to our beloved school. Freshman Nadia Wine loves Tik Tok. “At first I thought the videos were really funny, but then it got out of hand,” said Wine. “Whoever they are, the bathroom vandals are significantly lacking in the basic qualities of respect and maturity.”
Now, it’s not uncommon to see a sink or toilet flooded with paper towels, water, and other vile things. Soap dispensers have been emptied, hand dryers and sinks broken and torn from walls, and floors trashed with food. The destruction of school property is unjustifiable. The boys’ bathroom on the eighth floor has received damage to its wall, as some student(s) decided it would be a good idea to kick the wall in. “They’re the ones who have to use the bathroom,” says sophomore Zach Miller. “So ultimately, they are going to face the consequences of messing it up, not the school.”
Staff are taking all steps necessary to bring an end to this madness. Any student caught intentionally destroying school property, or taking things from their rightful place will face consequences. In a post from our principal, Mr. Douglas, addresses this issue, saying, “We will be handing out very harsh punishments to any student we find destroying school property or in possession of property that has been taken without permission.”
These “Devious Lick” perpetrators who have caused damages to bathrooms across the school will face consequences. Let’s take care of our school, we only have one!