Elevator Etiquette: A Dubs Approved Guide of the Do’s and Dont’s of the Elevators
Superstars Take the Stairs: Junior Tanner Adams outlines the paramount rules of the elevators and provides crucial advice to the underclassmen. If it’s five floors or more, hop aboard. If it’s four or less, well, it’s a good day for cardio.
Welcome to North Atlanta High School. Your first assignment is… the elevators. The directions are simple. Using the guide below, diligently complete your elevator assignment in order to receive an A in elevator etiquette. If you don’t, you will receive an F along with a whole lot of passive aggressiveness from the upperclassmen. Let’s begin.
Rule #1: Do only take the elevator if you are going up five floors or more. This is perhaps the most important rule of elevator etiquette. This rule mainly applies to the freshman and sophomore cohort. If you are on the second floor and your next class is on the fifth floor, take the stairs. If you are on the third floor and your next class is on the seventh floor, take the stairs. If you are on the fourth floor and your next class is on the eleventh floor, congratulations, you’ve earned a spot on the elevators! Let’s practice with some potential elevator scenarios.
You are on the fifth floor and need to get to the third floor. Do you take the
A. Elevator or B. Stairs
You are on the seventh floor and need to get to the tenth floor. Do you take the
A. Elevator or B. Stairs
If you answered stairs for both of those, you are correct! Let’s continue.
Rule #2: If the elevator doors open and the elevator is full, don’t squeeze in. Your choice is simple, either wait for the next elevator or hey, maybe, take the stairs! Crazy idea, I know, but we do have three stairwells that could use some love and attention, too. Get your daily cardio in on the way to class!
Rule #3: If needed, do temporarily step off the elevator to let the people behind you get out, even if it is not your floor. This allows those people stuck in the back of the elevator to get off at their floor, and then you can get right back on! Plus the more people that can get off at their floor, the less people in the elevator, and the more room you have! It is a win-win for everybody!
Master these three steps and you will pass the elevator etiquette class with flying colors. Math is simple, so use it when determining if you have earned a spot on the elevators. Remember, 5 floors or more, hop aboard (the elevators). Four or less, you’re taking the stairs, I guess. And, when in doubt, just take the stairs. After all, it’s only eleven floors.