Soaring Spirits: Virtual Homecoming Week Shows Warrior Spirit Online
Spirit Week Shines: Shown above is the newspaper classroom going all out for spirit week! Dubs are decked out from head to toe in their favorite sports attire.
At North Atlanta, Spirit Week is one of the most memorable times of the year, and despite current remote learning conditions, the staple themed week was still hosted virtually in an attempt to cheer up quarantined students and return a much needed sense of normalcy and community to NAHS. From November 9 to 13, Spirit Week served to engender enthusiasm for Homecoming and to bring everyone back to what matters most: Warrior Spirit.
The week kicked off with Crazy Hair Day on Monday and was followed by Super Hero Day, College Shirt Day, Favorite Sports Team and Throwback Thursday, and finally concluded Friday with NAHS Spirit Day. Students were encouraged to post pictures or videos of themselves and peers participating in Spirit Week using the hashtag #VNA2020. The virtual Spirit Week came together as a result of the SGA and administration’s attempt to find a way for students to be able to celebrate despite not having a physical homecoming. “It was really intended to be a way to lift the spirits of both the staff and the students while we’re all adjusting to this new normal,” said SGA faculty leader Jennifer Page.
The actual Homecoming “dance” was intended to conclude the week’s spirited festivities on Friday but was rescheduled for the time of the actual Homecoming game. Games, events, and prizes are just a few of many aspects to plan for a great Homecoming party, so the administration suggested postponing the event. Still, students are curious and optimistic to discover all that is in store. “I’m definitely excited to pop into the virtual party just to see what it’s all about,” said junior Olivia Schramkowski.
Although there is the usual disappointment that plagues these times of not being able to enjoy activities in-person, the virtual Spirit Week and Homecoming party brings back a sense of normalcy during this very abnormal situation. Despite being currently separated, the NAHS community was still able to demonstrate unity and the mighty Warrior Spirit through the simple shared experience of showing off a crazy hair-do or proudly wearing awesome Dubs gear. “I appreciate how NAHS is putting in the effort to continue certain traditions through altering them to fit the times we are in now,” said junior Drew Barber. “It’s really important to try to keep the school connected.”
So although Spirit Week has now passed, the upcoming Homecoming dance is still an event to anticipate. Get excited to show up and boogie (online) with fellow Warriors and experience the camaraderie and spirit of the North from home!