Do Political Differences Develop Divided Households?
Let’s Get Political: Politics is a very prevalent topic in today’s society, and Dubs are no exception. Some students find that with access to a greater amount of information, they may develop beliefs different from that of their parents. Shown above is sophomore Juliette Holzworth sporting the sign of the political candidate she supports.
Politics is one of the most discussed and divisive topics in America right now. Friendships have been strained, families divided, and morals questioned. This has only been heightened with the Covid-19 pandemic, widespread protests, and the 2020 presidential election. This has been a year like no other and this election is no different.
With people spending much more time at home, politics have taken up much of the dinner table conversation for many families. While many Dubs share the same beliefs as one or both of their parents, other students don’t. This election has caused many students to research, learn, and form their own personal political beliefs, sometimes different from their parent’s. Having different opinions may cause students to refrain from sharing them with their families because they don’t feel comfortable or they simply don’t agree. “I support Joe Biden and I’m a Democrat. My mother supports Donald Trump and she is a Republican. I do feel my house is politically divided,” said sophomore Juliette Holzworth. “Up until around quarantine, I was Republican, but never a Trump supporter. After this summer, with the mishandling of Covid-19 and the BLM protests, I realized that I just didn’t want to support any part of the Republican party.”
But what does having a politically divided house mean or look like? In recent years, politics has become very polarized. It feels to many that you are either a Republican or a Democrat, with not much middle ground. Many student’s political beliefs mimic their parents, but sometimes they don’t. This can cause tension in households. “My mom and I fight over politics very often, especially with this election,” said Holzworth. “We both outwardly share our beliefs and oftentimes do not agree about them.”
However, differing political opinions within families doesn’t always equate to heated discussions and tense households. For some families, differing opinions isn’t something that causes conflict among family members. “My mom has different political beliefs than me and my dad. Even still, my parents respect my own and each other’s political views,” said sophomore Gage Harbolt. “We all share our beliefs with each other. My parents always listen to and respect my views and I feel comfortable sharing my opinions with my family.”
The past four years have caused many people to get informed and involved when it comes to politics, especially the youth of this country. Things like climate change and human rights have caused some Millenials and Gen Z to care more about who and how this country is run. The use of social media in a globalized world has allowed teenagers to gather information from a source other than their parents, causing them to form opinions that may differ from their family’s. The generations that will lead the future of this country are vocal in their beliefs, independent in their thoughts, and empowered to make a change.