APS Can’t Stick to a Plan: Virtual School Continues
Unpredictable Learning: The students of North Atlanta high school have had to deal with the unpredictable and complicated nature of returning to in person learning. Pictured above is junior Josie Bird.
Many students had high hopes that they would return to in-person school in the North Atlanta building this November. However, after APS laid out their plan to parents and students, many people were left unsatisfied with the guidelines and new rules. Furthermore, APS decided to cancel all in-person learning plans after many students had already signed up to return to the building.
When North Atlanta first announced that its students would start their school year learning online in their homes, many students, especially seniors, were disappointed. All other private schools in the Atlanta area have returned to learning in their buildings, face to face wearing masks, and it seems as though North Atlanta is the only school in what seems like the whole nation to continue on virtually. While not every one of these schools is open every single day of the week, the students are still back in some capacity. “With other private schools back in school, it’s hard not to be jealous that they have a seemingly normal school year,” said junior Shepherd Crisp. “I think that we could have returned, too.”
With all of this back and forth between returning to the school and staying virtual, it seems as though APS is having trouble creating a plan that they can stick to. Many students were dead set on attending in-person school until APS released its seemingly disorganized plans. This plan of action did not go over well with some students and parents as they included some guidelines like silent lunch, a teacher teaching their class over Zoom, and some teachers not even returning to school. Overall, many Warriors thought going back to in-person school was pointless. “The in-person guidelines seemed ridiculous and not what I would have wanted if we went back,” said junior Sullivan Seydel, “but I understand that public schools are in a difficult position.”
Throughout the months of this school year, many students have gotten accustomed to the relaxed nature of virtual learning. To some, the comfort of one’s room and home seems much more appealing than wearing a mask all day in the classroom, and the ability to eat lunch with friends out at restaurants on lunch break definitely beats sitting in silence.
Now, many Warriors are hopeful and optimistic that they can return to their Northside Parkway building at the start of Term 3 in January. But with the unpredictability of Covid-19, their hopes may fall short, and it is up to APS to construct a plan that will fit the needs of the students.