Quill and Scroll Honors Society Recognizes the Journalism Prodigies of NAHS
Journalism Excellence: The Quill and Scroll Honors society showcases some of the best and brightest of the journalism pathway at NAHS. Shown above is some of last year’s cohort of Quill and Scroll members!
Quill and Scroll: the international honors society that recognizes and encourages exceptional achievements of high school journalists. Since its founding in 1926, charters have been granted to more than 11,300 high schools in all 50 states and 29 other countries. Although at North Atlanta the honors society has only just been established last year, over 40 members already represent the select group at NAHS deserving of being recognized for outstanding journalistic performance.
The process of being inducted into Quill and Scroll is not an insignificant feat. In order to be welcomed into the honors society, students must meet the following five requirements: be in at least their sophomore year of high school, have an overall average equivalent to a B grade, have demonstrated aptitude in the journalistic field through being a staffer on the yearbook, newspaper, or other similar organization, be able to provide a recommendation from the society supervisor, and be approved by the Quill and Scroll Executive Director. Each of the requirements as well as the incomparable group at NAHS makes for a dynamic society to be a part of. “It’s so interesting to see all the different journalism aspects our school has and to see them all join together in one space,” said Invictus staff member Betcy Eliseo.
In addition to demonstrating remarkable journalistic proficiency, the Quill and Scroll students at North Atlanta are expected to attend meetings and participate in service and volunteer activities. Potential ideas for Quill and Scroll service projects include conducting book drives, assembling journalism bulletin boards, and working with the NAHS feeder schools journalism programs. “Quill & Scroll is something special to be a part of because you get to branch out of your normal Journalism curriculum,” said one of the Quill and Scroll leaders, Gigi Olmsted.
There are also a substantial number of students at North Atlanta with a variety of interests and talents. The journalism community at NAHS is notably developed and comprises a diverse population of students that are led by journalism instructor Jack Stenger. The Quill and Scroll Honors Society is an additional effort to strengthen the relationship between these exceptional students at North Atlanta. “It’s really awesome to be part of Quill and Scroll because we all are part of a journalism program, and many of us have shared this passion since freshman year,” said senior Tyler Klitenic. “We all have this great thing in common.”
As Quill and Scroll embarks on its second year, the students involved will continue to exhibit their journalism expertise. So as students continue on their Journalism pathway at NAHS from freshman Shavers to Legends, Quill and Scroll will provide an additional opportunity to cement their legacy.