Warriors Share Their Experiences with COVID-19
The ‘Rona Hits Home: A global pandemic has touched so many lives and it’s significantly impacted the lives of North Atlanta students who have contracted and recovered from COVID 19. Freshman Max Randklev — who has not been a virus case — stands in as a photographic model for his older sister, Wire Associate Editor Tabitha Randklev.
It goes without saying that 2020 has been a rough start to the new decade. With an average of 2,097 new COVID-19 cases in Georgia per day, these rocky times feel never-ending. The virus has even made its way through North Atlanta, where some students have been infected. An anonymous female junior and male senior at North Atlanta both had COVID-19 in the middle of the summer. Fortunately, both have confirmed that they have made a full recovery.
Those who have not had the virus have little to no clue of what it feels like. Part of the whirlwind of confusion surrounding the virus is the lack of continuity between cases. Some report feeling debilitated by their symptoms, while others merely feel fatigued. Both students said their symptoms were closer to those which arise around flu season.“It almost felt just like a bad cold,” said the junior, “but it’s different for everyone based on what strand of the virus you get.”
The media coverage of the pandemic has been extensive over these last few months, and some take it more seriously than others. Lockdowns, mask mandates and precautionary stances are nothing to be taken lightly. The junior wants to emphasize the potential severity of this virus, which has proven to be deadly in certain circumstances. “Even though I had a more mild case, I wouldn’t want to downplay the importance of it for others,” she said.
There are also people who find the incessant drone of pandemic paranoia to be overdone. There has been some debate over the gravity of the situation, and this senior feels as though it has been thoroughly exaggerated. “I feel like it’s really inflated by the media,” said one unnamed senior. “I understand the severity if you have other health conditions, but if you’re healthy, the virus is really just another cold.”
There is much to learn from those who have experienced this virus. A common misconception that many who have contracted it have admitted is the idea that it won’t affect you. It is important to be aware of the fact that teenagers are not immune. These students stress the importance of exercising caution wherever you go. “If you choose to go out, please social distance,” the unnamed male senior. “I thought it wouldn’t come to me or my family, but now I know that is not true”
The COVID-19 pandemic has surely made 2020 a year to go down in history. Our world is forever changed. Mask up Warriors, and we will get through this together!