Helping Out: Dubs Aid the Community During Uncertain Times
Caring for the Community: Warriors take safety precautions seriously while volunteering at the Atlanta Community Food Bank and other organizations.
There is no question that the onset COVID-19 pandemic has led to troubling times. While there are many unfortunate setbacks for everyone, it is important to realize that this disease poses even more of a threat for at-risk groups, like the elderly and those with immune disorders. In order to do their part to keep our community as happy and healthy as possible during this new age of social distancing, Warriors are finding creative ways to use their time and talents to help others.
In order to adhere to social distancing requirements, some students have been serving the community through use of the Internet. For example, junior Emily Demps has begun volunteering with a group called Socializing for Senior Citizens that is run by two students at the nearby Galloway School. Each week she writes emails to seniors in our community to check in on them and let them know that they are not alone during this period of isolation. The group also writes emails to the staff at elderly care facilities thanking them for all of the hard work and sacrifice they are putting forth during this time to care for those who cannot care for themselves. “I decided to volunteer because I wanted to support those in need.” said Demps, “It is important to make sure that you are still helping out in any way that you can.”
Another project that senior Colin Brake and junior Austin Rubinger have been working diligently on is a virtual art gallery of Warrior work. The website highlights the artistically talented people at our school and provides a way for them to continue to showcase their work even while traditional school is not in session. All North Atlanta students have the opportunity to submit work, and anyone can view the gallery at: “We wanted to create a platform to showcase all of the talent our school has to offer,” said Rubinger. “It can also help brighten people’s days to see all of the creative pieces in the gallery.”
Finally, some students are taking great care and safety precautions to continue to provide necessary goods to the citizens of Atlanta during this time. The Atlanta Community Food Bank is still open to those in need, providing food for the hungry amongst this pandemic. Equipped with gloves, masks, and freshly washed hands, juniors Carter Law, Julia Naphin, and Katherine McWhirter have worked sorting and packaging food to be distributed locally by the food bank. “I am glad to have found this opportunity to help Atlanta’s hungry population during this time,” said McWhirter. “I was relieved to find out that thanks to the hard work of volunteers and the Food Bank employees, they will continue to receive the help that they need.”
Even during uncertain times, it is clear that these dedicated Dubs are still upstanding members of our community. While life may seem hard right now, it is important to remember that there will always be someone worse off than you, and to do your part to help out those less fortunate. Check in with those around you and stay safe!