The Holiday Season: What Money It Brings
Happy Holidays: Senior Anastasia Livaditis rings in the season hanging up wreaths at Big John’s Christmas Trees
With the greetings of chilly weather also comes the distinct holiday memories every one shares… as well as a few jobs for willing teenagers. At North Atlanta, there is no shortage of employment for those willing to get their hands dirty in the cold.
Some students have taken up retail opportunities starting as early as October with jobs at Spirit Halloween or Party City. They finish tasks like restocking shelves full of Halloween supplies or checking out customers with carts of haunted paraphernalia.
Others have found Christmas tree shops where they get paid minimum wage plus tips. From lifting trees on top of cars to carrying and wrapping them for customers, sophomore Will Pratt spends his November nights at Big John’s Christmas Trees helping out. “It’s really fun to be able to do something fun for the holidays that also gets me paid,” said Pratt.
Other seasonal jobs that students at North Atlanta have undertaken include mall elf workers during Santa greetings and characters in a haunted house. “I always felt kind of bad scaring them, but it was all in good fun,” said senior Anna Topfl.
With these jobs come some stress, but the work pays off for students. “The stress at these jobs can definitely be an issue,” said White, “But quick cash makes holiday gifts great.”
Whether you are planning to drop by Big John’s Christmas Trees soon or Party City for the Halloween sales, these young students will be greeting you at the door. Earning some extra money during the cold weather is always a good incentive, be that in a tree shop or at the mall.