Marie Killory says “Farewell” to North Atlanta Students
Medulla Oblongata: IB Biology teacher Marie Killory leaves behind a legacy as she departs for a new life in New York.
From triglycerides to ecology, Marie Killory has helped shaped countless IB Biology students and prepare them for the next level. Given her level of dedication and the excellence of her teaching craft, it’s hard for students to process the reality that the beloved “Ms. K” is saying farewell to North Atlanta at the end of this school year.
Killory’s departure is rooted in big life plans for her. She will be getting married during the summer and moving to upstate New York, specifically to the beautiful Adirondacks region. The backstory behind her coming nuptials is noteworthy. Killory went to college at Syracuse with her husband-to-be. The two ran together as cross country teammates during their collegiate journey. As is the case, and with most friends in college, their lives — over the course of several decades — went in different directions. But with the two of them single in these later years, a relationship was rekindled and now a marriage date has been set for later in the summer. She’s sad to leave North Atlanta, but was quick to say she is excited about sharing her life with her best friend from college, someone she met when she was 17 and someone who continuously makes her laugh.
While Killory made the difficult decision to leave her dedicated students, she decided to continue teaching biology at a new school. The hardest part, she said, about leaving North Atlanta will be saying goodbye to her students. “Yes, I am invested in my students, in their love of learning, and in their ability to focus,” she said. “They need to have someone to remind them to sleep and to challenge themselves. I want to know how they are growing and changing and how they see themselves in the future.”
Killory said her biggest regret is leaving the current junior class behind while they are just halfway through their IB program journey.
Unfortunately for Dubs, Killory will not be their saving grace in biology next year. However, she did leave a few pieces of advice for her students, “Make sure you sleep, stay organized and go back over old material,” she said. “Also, have a plan, be curious and of course, keep track of the things you don’t know.”
While all of her students will miss her incredibly, her new husband and school will definitely keep her busy. Regardless, Killory will always have a special place in the hearts of North Atlanta students and faculty and we will always welcome a visit from her with open arms.