Jonas Brothers Return to Form with New “Sucker” Single

Back in Black: The Jonas Brothers make waves among the North Atlanta new and old generation with their most recent hit single.
I’ve been to the year 2019, and although we don’t live underwater quite yet, one thing has certainly changed: the Jonas Brothers have finally returned.
Our generation grew up with the Jonas Brothers as our resident boy band. Our elementary school days consisted of eight and nine year old versions of ourselves- fan-girls fighting over Nick and Joe, and fanboys secretly wishing they could be center stage singing the final chorus to “S.O.S.” We jammed along through stereos in backseat car rides and watched the band make cameos in “Camp Rock.” “They contributed to the bulk of my childhood,” said sophomore Sophie Peck. “Some of my all time favorite songs are by the Jonas Brothers.”
Days before releasing their new hit single, posts all over social media hinted that our favorite trio would be returning, and the responses were overwhelming. Thousands of reposts and millions of likes — the band’s return sent sparks flying. The unexpected reunion seemed to make its way into everyone’s conversations, and fans were anxious to hear the band’s new song. “I was so excited to hear they were getting back together,” said junior Annabelle Sarkissian. “I felt like I was in elementary school all over again!”
On March 1, the Jonas Brothers finally released the new single, called “Sucker.” The song gained hundreds of listens upon its release and has continued to gain popularity. The song has a different sound than the Jonas Brothers oldies we’re accustomed to, but is a masterful mix of their voices, paired with fresh lyrics and music. The music video was also released with the song, and features the Jonas Brothers and their wives, alongside vivid colors, elegant outfits, and faded electric guitars.
It seems that our Disney band is all grown up now, with spouses, families and adult lives, but their reunion brought us back to our childhood roots. So whether you’re stuck in the 2000s or just reminiscent for the age of the Jonas Brothers, one thing is for sure, we’re all “suckers” for this new single.