Heather, Heather, and Heather: The Coolest Girls of the 80’s Take Over North Atlanta
Welcome to My Candy Store: Director Lilliangina Quiñones, senior Katherine Atkinson, and junior Zach Kepler are all a main part of this year’s North Atlanta Heathers musical performance.
At long last, The North Atlanta Fine Arts Department is happy to present its Spring Musical, “Heathers.” Performances will be held in the school’s Linda Stevenson Theater on Thursday, March 21; Friday, March 22; Saturday, March 23. All shows will be held at 7 p.m., with an additional performance on Sunday at 2 p.m.
This year, new theater tech teacher Lilliangina Quiñones is directing for the first time. “Directing Heathers is a process that is full of joy,” she said. “I have an extremely talented cast, who also happen to be kind, smart, and funny.”
Quiñones said there are many songs in the play that are quite danceable and that will have audiences moving in their seats. Based on the 1989 cult classic film, “Heathers” is set in Westerberg High, a school ruled by a shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing clique: the Heathers, the hottest and cruelest girls in all of Sherwood, Ohio. But misfit Veronica Sawyer rejects their evil regime for a new boyfriend, the mysterious stranger J.D., who has a secret plan to put the Heathers — and the school — in their place.
This relatively new Broadway musical has already made its name as a staple in the performance world. The North Atlanta cast features actors including Katherine Atkinson as Veronica Sawyer, Zach Kepler as J.D., Chloe Senter as Heather Chandler, Sydney Blackburn as Heather McNamara, Kennedy Rouse as Heather Duke, Fisher Calame as Kurt Kelly, Drew Barber as Ram Sweeney, Sparrow Harrell as Ms. Fleming, and Lenox Johnson as Martha Dunnstock. Other actors include: Emmett Galloway, Deandre Brown, Leah Overstreet, Tabitha Randklev, Fiona Liu, Kristin Scott, Andrew Weekes, Giovanni Ladonis, Carson Bauer, Nicholas Schramkowski, Sophie Terraso, Maya Curnow, Caroline Newburn, Tazilyn Graves, Ellie Hodgson, Kayla Gilbert, Nate Hogan, Memphis Tweedell, Eve Harclerode, McKenna Weinbaum, Lovencia Chambley, Samantha Stewart, and Maia Nelson.
All students have put in months of tireless work and dedication and are excited for the student body to come see the show. “We’ve put so much time into this and it’s our hope that as many people as possible come out and see what’s so beautifully come together,” said Kepler.
Tickets, which will be sold at the theater door and are $5 for North Atlanta students, staff and adults. All members of the North Atlanta community are encouraged to come and support classmates at the show.