NAHS Film Club Fosters Appreciation for Cinema
Capture On Tape: Juniors Mack Walker and Sam Stuart learn about the various techniques and styles in film as a part of the school’s own Film Club.
Atlanta, dubbed by many as the “Hollywood of the South,” boasts a growing film industry that has been the scene of production for many notable titles such as “Avengers: Infinity War” and “Black Panther.” It’s no such wonder then that North Atlanta’s own film fanatics congregate to watch, discuss and produce movies at the Reel Ones film club. Film club offers students with an interest in the industry to dive deeper and experience the audio-visual technology and film program if they are not already involved.
The Film Club teaches students to embrace all aspects of film, from the various stages of production to the finished product. Every Tuesday from 4 to 6 in Room (Mr. Harris’ room), members gather to watch movies that are relevant to the time and the demographic of the group. Club sponsor and AVTF teacher Ian Harris is passionate about film and film making, and he enjoys the opportunity film club gives to students excited about cinema. “Film club was something I wanted to do to work on movies and recruit freshmen for AVTF. It’s also a good alternative to standing out in the cold after school,” he said.
For any students who enjoy producing, directing, editing, starring in, or even just watching movies, Film Club is for you. This club has attracted students with a love of film from all grades. Through this club, members are able to get a taste of the booming film industry that has overtaken Atlanta. Devoted film fans are also able to work on starting their own projects with the help of the group. Founding club member junior Mack Walker enjoys the chance to convene with fellow filmmakers and watchers. “The primary reason I started the club was to find other students at North Atlanta who expressed a love of cinema like I did,” Walker said. “I really like how dedicated everyone is in showing up to meetings and wanting to discover the deeper meanings behind film.”
Those interested in watching movies or learning about filmmaking should join fellow cinematic-lovers in Mr. Harris’s room on the 11th floor every Tuesday after school. Who knows? Maybe the next generation’s Donald Glover, Tyler Perry or Spike Lee are right here in our midst. That picture is developing with the Film Club.