An Inside Look Into The Secret Life of Teachers
Teacher Spotlight: Journalism and Spanish teacher Jack Stenger and AP Human Geography teacher Eleanor Brookins spend their (not so) secret life outside of the academic setting, whether by gardening, going to shows, or simply relaxing.
Teachers: they’re just like us. As students, it may be hard sometimes to remember that the teachers we spend an hour and a half with every other day have lives of their own, and aren’t just robots who focus their entire lives on guided notes, after-school tutorials and Kahoot. Teachers may be strict and scary at school, but after 3:45 p.m., they’re completely different than the person you thought they were.
Dr. Deanna Hasty is North Atlanta’s only AP Lang teacher but doesn’t let that overwhelm her. After school, Hasty has a lot more going on than just grading papers. She often spends weekends having movie nights with her twin sister, going to craft fairs with her mother, or seeing a show at the Fox Theatre with her close friend Ms. Eleanor Brookins. Teaching six AP Lang classes can be quite stressful at times for Hasty, but she has a good way of letting out all the anger. “I go to Orangetheory a few times a week to work out my angst from educational frustrations,” she said.
Ms. Brookins is the AP Human Geography teacher at North Atlanta. Spending five days a week with hyperactive freshmen would take a toll on anyone, but Brookins doesn’t let it get her down. She spends her spare time reading, gardening and hanging out with her family and friends. And she has a very drilled in formula for an ideal weekend. “Spending time at the beach or mountains, or at home on my patio, reading” she said. “I like to take long nature walks and go to cultural outings, too.”
Ms. Meredith Kaltman is an administrator and is most well known for making sure rowdy students stay out of the hallways. However, outside of school, she can be way less intimidating. Kaltman loves to watch football and occasionally spends her weekends going to concerts with her husband. Her ideal weekend would be to escape the chaos of North Atlanta and go to the beach and do nothing. She has a college-aged daughter and she’s the “mom” to two cats named Minni and Rocky. “Minni is orange and Rocky is black and white,” Kaltman said. “He’s twice her size and a horrible bully to her because she’s so little. I love them so much!”
Last but most certainly not least, Mr. Jack Stenger is a journalism and Spanish teacher, and also the faculty adviser for The Warrior Wire and the North Atlanta yearbook. Stenger’s personality doesn’t change much outside of school. In fact, he says he loves to grade papers and read the newspaper, just as he does here at North Atlanta. His favorite hobby is playing his guitar, and he enjoys spending time at hipster coffee shops. Stenger loves weekends, especially Sundays. “For some reason I just love an omelet on Sunday mornings,” he said. “After church, I like to go to a Grant Park restaurant for an omelet. I enjoy eating an omelet with hash browns with friends or – better – eating the preceding while I read the Wall Street Journal.”
Hey teachers: We enjoyed learning about your secret lives. But why are we disappointed: None of you is leading a secret life as a Russian double agent. Get better secret lives!