New Jewish Student Union Lets Students Explore Their Faith
Shalom and Baruch haba: Sophomores Zoe Glickman and Nora Rosenfeld celebrate Judaism through the Jewish Student Union.
North Atlanta offers a wide variety of clubs for students of many backgrounds looking to get more involved. A recent addition this year is the Jewish Student Union (JSU), founded by sophomore Zoe Glickman. The JSU aims to actively involve Jewish high schoolers in the community and educate non-Jews all about Judaism.
One can spot the JSU assembling in the cafeteria after school, eating signature Jewish snacks and learning about the culture and traditions of the religion. In a previous meeting, the club made Sukkahs — Jewish huts made during the Sukkot festival — out of candy. The edible aspect of the club is one Glickman enjoys delving wholeheartedly into. “Basically, it’s a food eating club, because you know us Jews, we love to eat,” said Glickman.
The idea for this club was influenced by Jewish Student Unions at other schools. Atlanta is home to a large Jewish population, so it seemed fitting to create a club at North Atlanta. Glickman established the club to give Jews and interested students at North Atlanta school a place to come together. “I have friends at other schools who have a JSU and I realized that we are one of the big schools in Atlanta that doesn’t have one,” she said. “I thought it would be important for us Jews to band together and help others learn about our culture.”
The first few meetings of the club have been extremely successful, with far more people than anticipated attending. Glickman did not expect more than a few people to show, so the large group of around 30 attendees students was a nice surprise. The JSU has been a hit so far, attracting more and more interested students like sophomore Nora Rosenfeld. “It’s really nice to get together with all the Jewish people at our school because sometimes it feels like there aren’t many. Also, there’s really good food,” said Rosenfeld.
The Jewish Student Union has seen a very strong start and Glickman has high hopes that it will continue on long after she graduates. For those looking for a fun new club to join, the Jewish Student Union is a welcome option. The JSU meets the first Thursday of each month in the cafeteria.