Grueling GroupMe Battles Stir Up NAHS
GroupMe Group Chats: Juniors Ansley Booth and Graham Lee enjoy some of the battles and discussions that occur on the GroupMe app.
Each year it’s inevitable that your teachers will at one point give a difficult and time-consuming assignment. Students at North Atlanta have now created GroupMe messages for their grade as a whole, as well as their more specific class periods in order to help boost one another’s motivation and grades. For the uninitiated, a GroupMe is an app that lets any type of online community to communicate.
Discussions within the app are a great support but the popular platform has also led to something maybe inevitable with teens: battles within the group chats.
Supposedly, students create these group chats to assist each other with schoolwork. Fellow classmates ask questions of each other, complain about teachers, or maybe — don’t tell our teachers — share the occasional homework answer. However, in addition to homework discussions, arguments are now cropping up.
For example, during homecoming, when the great debate was who would win the annual Powder Puff game, there was some serious smack talk going on in the Warrzone Spirit Club chat. While many students think that everything said in the group chats should be taken with a grain of salt, some students take it very personally. “Whenever there is a debate in a group chat, I always try to say something ridiculous just to keep the conversation light because people take it way too far,” said junior Graham Lee.
School-related topics are declining and the high entertainment value of group chat squabbles is increasing. So the new discussion is whether GroupMe is even helpful at all. Being able to contact one’s peers whenever and wherever they are is now a blessing and a curse. If you are stressing on math problem, there are over 30 people who can help you but if they are arguing it can just be a plain distraction to whatever one is doing,” said junior Tommy Fialkowski. “I tend to check GroupMe like I would like Instagram or Snapchat. I think it’s funny to look at, but if people are spamming it I’ll just put it on mute.”
Although GroupMe can tend to be more entertaining than helpful, they are sure to give a good laugh. Now that the GroupMe battles have begun, students will have to find a new solution to get work done or, shocker, do the work.