After A Summer for the Books, it’s Back to the Books
Summer to School: Students like sophomores Marisa Humphreys and Caroline Somoza come back from summer break and slowly get used to the start of a brand new school year.
There are 104 days of summer vacation and — wait, that’s just “Phineas and Ferb.” The students at North Atlanta received just 67 days of summer vacation and then school came around just to end it. Now, most students are back to their school, homework, and sleep cycle day after day. It would seem everyone is slowly is adjusting in their own ways.
Summer is the time for students to sit back, relax, and not have to worry about what the next semester holds. However, what they choose to do with this time is up to them. Sophomore Marisa Humphreys ambitiously went to far-off Croatia, broadening her cultural awareness. Sophomore Elise Roman also fell went on a globetrotting adventure, journeyed to Costa Rica for a soccer tournament. Other students stayed home in “Hotlanta” playing sports or going to camps. Sophomore Caroline Somoza got her camp kicks at Camp High Harbour in Allatoona Lake. Somoza left the camp with mixed reactions “It was the best three weeks I’ll never do again,” Somoza said
When the three words “Back to School” start to be used in stores all around the US, it can mean only one thing, the end of summer. Stores use it to promote sales, but how do high schoolers really feel about these signs prophesying how they will soon be trading lazy summer days for the cold oppressive classroom? As you might expect it didn’t encourage much enthusiasm for most students. “It made me feel nervous-cited,” sophomore Lucy Grey Shields said. “That’s a mix of nervous and excited.”
Although summer has come to an end, there are many things this school year to start to get excited about. Football season is beginning, homecoming week is coming up, and fall break is just a few weeks away. These give students something to look forward to all summer, so don’t fret there are only 162 days left.