North Atlanta’s Wilder Family Set to Open Two New Restaurants
Good Karma: Sophomore Mary Wilder is part of a family-wide Wilder family effort to open two new restaurants that will cater to the health conscious.
Sophomore Mary Scott Wilder and her brother, senior Robert Wilder, are getting very excited for a new chapter in their family’s life. The family is in the process of opening their own restaurants in Atlanta, called Karma Farm and Karma Daisy. The two eateries are focused in on being a new clean eating option for health conscious people in Atlanta, and are getting the finishing touches buttoned up as they open.
Karma Farm and Karma Daisy will be adjoining restaurants, one serving as a bakery and deli and the ther serving as a bigger restaurant with main dishes and meals, all using healthy and whole ingredients. Mary Scott Wilder explained the motivation behind her parents’ restaurant idea saying, “My mom has a lot of allergies and my dad is very health conscious, so it’ll be what they both want to have in a restaurant.” Keeping this in mind, Karma Farm and Karma Daisy will definitely make sure to have an allergy conscious menu that fits all the clean eating standards.
Each member of the Wilder family has chipped in to help pull Karma Farm and Karma Daisy into being, from the menu items to the design details. Sophomore Mary Scott Wilder has loved getting to be a part of the process as her family opens the restaurant. “I’ve been involved by helping design stuff in the restaurant and paint things that are going on the walls,” Mary Scott explained. “I love to paint, so it’s been fun to help with that.” Senior Robert Wilder has also helped with the process, by spreading the word about the restaurants to his friends and supporting his family as they go through the process of working the restaurants. Robert Wilder explained that he really likes the food and the atmosphere of the restaurant, causing him to share it with people. “I’ve been pretty involved by taking some of my friends to eat at the restaurant, and sharing it with them.”
There is definitely a lot of anticipation as the two restaurants come together and open. The Wilder Family has spent a lot of hard work on them, from the basic concepts, to the intricate flavor combinations on the menu, and are thrilled to get to share their dream of opening a restaurant with health food lovers in Atlanta.