It’s All “Action” on Zoe Glickman’s Burgeoning Film Career

Olivia Chewning

Film Phenom: Freshman Zoe Glickman has her eyes on becoming successful in the motion-picture industry.

Think you might want to be a film director one day? Well Zoe Glickman is doing more than thinking about it. The freshman North Atlanta student is currently hard at work jump-starting her career as a future movie-making mover and shaker.

She first started writing scripts at the tender age of 12. Since then the now 14-year-old has continued making her own films. In recent years she has won awards for her work and has enjoyed working with other directors and producers to create exciting and interesting films.  

Glickman’s love for things related to the stage and film started with her initial interest in film and her family’s decision to secure an acting coach for her when she was 12. One of the first things the coach tasked her with was finding scripts to read. Eventually her interest in the whole script-writing process was so strong that she started writing her own scripts. At her coach’s encouraging she then made a film with her script, a short called “Always” that she co-wrote and for which she was the assistant director.

Since then, Glickman has worked on other movies. Her film, “The Way Home,”  won an award at a film festival in England in the categories of “best of the month” and “best overall of the month.” “I like directing because I get to make a lot of decisions and the whole process just suits my personality,” said Glickman.

She is continuing to show progress and currently is working with a director of photography and a producer for a new film. This still-unnamed short film is slated to come out in 2019 and will likely be first submitted into film festivals around the country.

In the future, Glickman plans on attending film school and continuing to work on her career in the film industry. “It’s just what I want to do with my life and this is the way I want to put my stamp on the world,” she said.

Glickman has started her journey in the film industry. She is ahead of most her age and has already created and put into action multiple films. At the rate she’s going, the name “Zoe Glickman” could be coming to a big screen near you.