Spirit, Who? North Atlanta Needs More School Spirit
Sophomore Emily Nino thinks APS’s biggest high school needs a big shot of more school spirit.
North Atlanta High School, the home to the warriors is DEAD. We started off at the beginning of the school year with an amazing amount of school spirit and now…LAME. Pep rallies were the best part of some days. Kids weren’t on their phones as much as last year and if they were, well they posted on the Snap how much fun they were having. We for once, in years, had school spirit and hope in our football team. They started off with a Dub and everyone had spirit and dreams on a successful season. Too bad our school decided to cancel two pep rallies and charge $5-$15 on tickets to enter the game.
The pep rallies are a great place where school spirit should be demonstrated but our track record is not that great. How nice would it be for every player knew their school supports them and to keep being reminded that our hope in them never dies? It would be amazing! Too bad we don’t know how, if only there was a way to have the entire school in one place with enough seats and a place where we can see our players in there jerseys or dressed up and he can cheer for the at the top of our lungs like the warriors we are. Have their favorite music playing and at the center of this place see them dance among themselves and show the support and respect they have for each other and the love for their school.
Consider our varsity games (no question mark) Have you ever seen a lot of people at them? Or — let’s be honest — have you yourself been? (The answer is probably “No.”) At other schools in the suburbs or maybe the private schools, there are many fans packing the stands. The stands at a North Atlanta football game would never be mistaken for a crowded place. This year could have been the year that changes, but is our school isn’t the best at notifying when the next game is. Neither are our peers, common last minute notifications are the worst!
Kids don’t wear North Atlanta gear around, unlike the private schools that roam around at their school hangouts. They wear their gear to the mall, nearest Chick-fil-a, to the movies, grocery shopping. Who knows, they probably take their gear to the shower, church or a family wedding! Those kids seem committed in showing off their school, they do this as if it’s their job. If North Atlanta gave a weekly grade for wearing our gear to go anywhere most students would fail. I’m sure we can all agree, school spirit, isn’t in the vocabulary of North Atlanta kids.
I’m positive we can agree that we’ve all been told to enjoy our four years of high school because they go by fast and they are meant to be the best four years of your lives. No one does though, everyone is ready to ditch this school and don’t care to participate in any school activities. The lack of spirit is because everyone is ready to grow up and be independent and later regret it. So, yeah: Things that are dead. Michael Jackson. My pet goldfish from first grade — his name was “Waldo.” And then there’s this: School spirit at North Atlanta.