School Foundation Fundraiser “Red Hot Jazz” Is Sure To Swing
The funds raised at the Red Hot Jazz fundraiser will go directly to projects that support academic endeavors at North Atlanta.
It’s that time of year again, time for North Atlanta’s most significant fundraiser of the year, “Red Hot Jazz.” The event is a jazz- and music-filled night of food, fun and — it’s hoped — accrued donations for the North Atlanta Foundation, the event’s sponsor.
As the jazz great Duke Ellington would agree, the event won’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that cha-ching.
This year the event will be held on March 23 in the Child Hall of the Cathedral of St. Phillip, 2744 Peachtree Road, in the heart of Buckhead.
For the uninitiated, the annual “Red Hot Jazz” is the school’s biggest fundraiser. One evening every year, North Atlanta parents and friends meet in a elegant event space to raise funds. All event proceeds go toward academic programming sponsored by the North Atlanta Foundation.
This year, event catering will be handled by Avalon catering. Beyond the ticket price, funds are raised through both silent and traditional auctions.
Of course who could discuss “Red Hot Jazz” without talking about the main musical event: jazz. Yet again, North Atlanta Jazz Band Director Adam Brooks will be leading his talented group. “The band is really talented and I’m pretty confident that we are going to blow everybody away,” said senior band member Skye Waters.
Funds raised by the foundation at ““Red Hot Jazz” support many aspects of North Atlanta life, including everything from sports to college and career educational programs. “Fundraisers like this are the cornerstone of making North Atlanta the school it is, and ‘Red Hot Jazz’ is one of the biggest contributors,” said Assistant Principal Meredith Kaltman.
The event is sure to be massive success. There’s the opportunity to support North Atlanta all the while swinging the night away. Raising money and “all that jazz!”