Oh, Those Awkward Elevator Moments: The Sequel
Not Uplifting: North Atlanta students know that awkward elevator moments are wrong on so many levels.
Elevators are the epitome of social anxiety. No, seriously. These ominously large moving boxes contain more than 15 students at a time (despite the school rules — not so inconspicuously plastered onto the elevator’s panels) and remain full to the brim with teenage apprehension, rebellion and dread.
Obviously, our dear school is the hub for school-wide companionship and an increasing school spirit. However, mean-spirited ne’er-do-wells seek to tamper this positive momentum by blaring music accompanied with an off-putting disposition. Clad in high top Vans and a pair of earphones blasting tunes at the highest setting, these individuals strike fear in the heart of every overly-anxious pushover on the elevator.
Senior Shakay Agasarkisian has had more than one awkward encounter and she said she admires those who are shameless enough to be themselves. “When I was in ninth grade, I was just chilling in the elevator with my friend and some guy I didn’t know when suddenly he was laying on the ground playing on his little Playstation,” she said. “But I admire the people who are comfortable to do that.”
Sophomore Kevin Lockhart feels like the atmosphere on the elevator is one of annoyance and general angst. “My least favorite thing about North Atlanta elevators are the people who are in them,” he said. “Like, why do you have to be so loud?”
Lockhart feels that the shenanigans that occur in the elevators should be stopped forthwith. “Why do people feel the need to jump in the elevator?” said Lockhart. “If they keep jumping, there’s going to be an issue. Sorry!”
Sophomore Bryan Castillo is an admitted elevator perpetrator. While most people only witness awkward moments in the elevator, Castillo said he makes it his purpose to create them. “Sometimes I scream in the elevators just for fun,” he said. “I like to jump a bit with my friends to scare the people in the elevator.”
At this school 11-story school, elevators just might be the apex of awkward teenage moments. What else to expect when you put a whole lot of young people — each with his or her own idiosyncrasy, each with his or her own fears and paranoia bouts — and put them all together in a claustrophobia-inducing small space? Perhaps kids should do something novel, even radical to avoid such awkward moments. Next time, Warriors, maybe take the stairs.