Shortened Lunches at NAHS: Hungry For More
Shortened lunches leave little time for a breather
The new year’s schedule has implemented the shortest lunch period for students in North Atlanta history. The change has been noticed by countless Warriors as an unfortunate and even unwelcome adjustment.
The previously 24-29 minute lunch periods are now a staggering 23-25 minutes each. With weekly advisement periods reduced to two times a month, time spent in the classroom is longer than ever.
Freshman making the transition from eighth to ninth grade have slowly, but surely made the adjustment as well. “Lunches were longer at my last school,” says freshman Brandi Gates, “I don’t eat lunch often unless I come early because there is just not enough time.”
Lunch periods are often characterized as the students’ social hour, or rather, social twenty-five minutes. With classes and electives taking monopoly over the course of the school day, this much-needed break serves as a cherished and invaluable time off. “I don’t think it’s fair to have more time taken away when we don’t have any type of free period,” says sophomore Anneliese Rempe. “We already have four classes a day and no other time to socialize.”
In some cases, the new scheduling leaves little room for even eating. “I almost never get to finish my food,” says sophomore Ashley Humphrys. “I have to either pack up my lunch or sneak it in class just to eat!”
For a great deal of students who eat school lunch, the process of standing in line poses an even greater challenge. “The line has a lot of people,” says freshman Chris Holt, “I can never talk to anyone.” For these students, the extra class time results in a loss in free time outside of the long cafeteria lunch line day to day.
As the new year begins, students are finally learning to adjust to the new schedule. The sudden alteration of the school day is one students have taken note of and will hopefully one day, learn to love. In light of the rushed conversations and inhaled meals, students will remain hungry for more.