The Waning 2016-17 School Year In “The Final Countdown”
Are you counting the days? Students at North Atlanta sure are.
Finally, it’s May. While this means the onslaught of tests in the form EOCs, IAs, AP exams, and finals, the atmosphere around the building is lighter than ever. School is almost out, and summer, with its freedom and heat and promise for poolside fun and beach volleyball or even the possibility of sleeping in for once, is beckoning tantalizingly. Teachers and students alike can hardly wait: On some levels – on every level? – both camps are anxious to be rid of each other for a couple of months.
Almost simultaneously, everyone’s minds have become a countdown clock, always waiting. If asked, more kids would probably know the number of days until May 25 than when their exams are. Though the terrible, contagious plague called “senioritis” would lend to the belief that it only affects seniors, by this point the entire school has slipped into the sluggish, lazy stupor that presents as the affliction’s main symptom. However, contracting the disease is understandable, given the alternative is continuing to test, take notes, study, and do homework.
“I stopped caring a while ago,” said sophomore Nailah Willoughby, echoing the common sentiment. “My grades are pretty much set. There’s still some work, and I’m doing it, but I’m not doing extra. Frankly. I just don’t want to anymore.”
By contrast, other students have entered a panicky mode. While they’d like school to end as well, they’re more focused on bettering their grades before the last day comes. Whether it’s to make up a quiz or turn in missing homework, teachers’ inboxes have once again become cluttered with last-ditch grade-saving efforts that always comes hand-in-hand with finals.
“They need to fix my grades,” said another sophomore. “If teachers haven’t put something in, or they made some kind of mistake in Infinite Campus, you can bet I’ll be emailing them.”
Whether they spend each class staring bored at the clock on the wall or rushing around doing assignments that fell through the cracks, every student wants summer to arrive. And whether they are more strict with grading or more lax, so do the teachers. It’s the final countdown to vacation – or just freedom – that everyone is awaiting with a spring in their step.