Freshman Bailey Diamond is a Woman of Action
Freshman Bailey Diamond.
Freshman Bailey Diamond has been very busy this year. From balancing school with work and her passion for the arts, it seems like she does it all. Some of the artistic projects she has taken on this year include performing in the North Star Talent Show in September, playing her guitar at a local farmers market, and working as an assistant stage manager in Sutton’s production of “Grease.”
The North Star talent show was something of a Diamond family affair. Bailey’s mother, Brandi Diamond, was the event co-chair. Diamond performed her audition number with her older brother, junior Taylor Diamond. The brother-and-sister duo’s stirring rendition of Coldplay’s “Yellow” helped them to pass the audition and land a coveted spot in the talent show. Diamond said that she definitely wants to continue her participation in the show.
Another project that has been meaningful to Diamond is playing her guitar at the Peachtree Road Farmers Market that’s held in the warmer months. “I really value clean eating and real food and I love playing my guitar. It’s basically my two favorite things at once,” she said.
However, with all of these extracurricular activities going on, life can get very stressful – especially since it is her first year of high school. Diamond said that although the transition to high school had been smooth, “it’s kind of a different mindset.”
Up until recent times, she also had one more time-consuming activity she contended with, specifically a 6-hour-a-week job at Chick-fil-A. She decided to drop the job to focus more on her studies.
It can be stressful to find a balance between school, work, and fun. Diamond manages her stress by finding private moments of solitude at home, tranquil moments that can include lighting calming candles, practicing yoga, and, of course, playing her guitar. She’s decidedly retro as her favorite bands and artists are The Beatles and the Mamas and the Papas and she has even recently attempted to learn to play “Casey Jones” by the Grateful Dead on her beloved Martin six-string.
Despite being so involved with after school activities and work, Diamond still manages to make a good impression on her teachers. French teacher Robin Oliver described his student as “very smiley” and “positive.” AP Human Geography teacher Eleanor Brookins described Diamond as an “actively engaged and involved student,” one who demonstrates a lot of noticeable talent.
With so many achievements, it is clear that Diamond has a bright future ahead. She is interested in a career that involves either helping the environment or working for animal rights. Although she does not see herself becoming a professional musician, she still wants to continue playing music. True to her busy lifestyle, she would also like to fit traveling and backpacking into her agenda. Until then, Diamond wants to continue her school involvement. She has her eye set on participating in the school talent show again, starting a new school club, and – down the road – entering into the IB program.
Whether she is strumming her guitar, planning her next hiking excursion or tapping her foot while sitting in her desk during her Algebra I class, Bailey Diamond always has something going on.