Teen Lingo Puts North Atlanta Students on Linguistic Cutting Edge
Teen Lingo can be heard all throughout the hallways of NAHS.
Teachers and teens, we all know, are on two different wavelengths. But are teachers aware that between us there are two distinct languages? Teen lingo can sometimes seem indecipherable so it might be helpful to have a glossary of terms so teachers don’t get “flamed” by their younger counterparts. Still confused? Let’s do this.
Extra: Too much, unnecessary. Example: “Are you kidding me? We went on total lockdown for a ‘tornado’ and all we had was a rainstorm. That was so extra.”
Finesse: To trick or scam. Example: “The teacher finessed us. He said there was going to be a test but there really wasn’t.”
Jank: Low-rent; a well-established slang synonym is “ratchet.” Example: “These school lunches – they’re so jank.”
Bumping (adj.) Hopping, lively happening. Example: “This party is bumping.”
The move: The big plans or the place where people hang out. Example: “The Move Friday was the basketball game. It was so lit!”; “What’s the move this weekend?” (In texting form the sentiment expressed as: “WTM?” for “What’s the Move?”)
Uglah: (Pronounced: “Uggg-laaaah”). A stand-along exclamation. The word is a contraction of “ugly” and a course expletive that rhymes with “grass.” It’s best used to set the scene. Example: Someone trips and falls. To be unkind and to invite ridicule someone would say: “Uglaaah!”
Savage: Brusque to the point of causing offense. Example: “So savage! She straight-up told her friend exactly why no one liked her.”
The door: Someone – for being so ridiculous – should leave immediately. Example: “You still listen to Katy Perry? The door!”
The wave: Fashion, the trend, whatever is in style: “Tylen Shelton is always on that wave.”
Flame: To offer an insult. Example: “You haven’t cut your hair in eight months? I’m about to flame.”
Vibe: In gerund form “vibing.” When you’re simpatico with someone; you get on well with them. Example: “I’m really vibing with you right now.”
Facts!: One-word expression of solidarity with an offered opinion. First speaker: Example: “Papa John’s is much better than Dominoes.” Second speaker response: “Facts!”
Bet! Synonym “okay”: First speaker: “Let’s go to Starbucks.” Second speaker: “Bet.”
Shook: Worked up; scared. Example: “That tornado drill on Wednesday had me shook.”
Bae: Stands for: “before anyone else.” A term of endearment typically directed toward a romantic interest. Example: “I was thinking we’d go see ‘Rouge One’ instead of ‘Me Before You.’ Is that okay, Bae?”
L: A “loss” or personal setback, oftentimes used with the following phrasing: “take the L”: “I took an L on that math final.” Example: “Dude, she’s not into you. Just take the ‘L.’
Fye: Outstanding. Example: “Have you heard that 21 Savage new mixtape? It’s fye.” “That kid? He fye in basketball.”
Cap: “When someone is lying or over exaggerating.” Example: “That’s cap! You did not get a 100 on your quiz!” Synonym: Fronting
On Me: When you’re really telling the truth. Example: “I did get an 100! On me!”
Wig: When someone does something you don’t like or what you wouldn’t do. Example: “You told the teacher I cheated on your test? You the wig!”
Folding: When someone does something unfair or considered “lame.” Example: “Can you believe that Lucy folded and told the teacher we copied her answers?”
Dat Way! When you’re really passionate about something you said. Example: “Yes! I made the cheerleading squad! Dat way!”
Piped: Something super fun; a.k.a “lit.” Example: “Hey are you going to that party? It’s going to be piped!”
Pull up: When you want someone to attend an event with you. Example: “You should pull up at my birthday party Friday.”
Scoop: When you want someone to pick you up. Example: “Can you come scoop me before you go to the party Friday?”
Straight: The feeling of being okay or an alternate of saying “no.” Example: “I’m straight, I don’t want any of your chocolate.”
Wilding: When someone says or does something crazy. Example: “Did you see that girl cursing and wilding in the hallway?”
Gassin’: Being overly nice to someone. Example: Kissing up to them
Snake: A terrible person or someone who does you wrong. North Atlanta is full of them. Example: “My ex is a snake.”
GOAT: Greatest Of All Time. Example: “Ms. Kaltman was the GOAT trying to get school cancelled.”
Cringe: When something makes you feel uncomfortable. How you feel after reading this.
Now you know!