Class Favorites: Ways the Warriors Love to Learn
One of the most exciting days in the classroom are when teachers reserve the Mac carts for their students to use the internet.
The second semester is gearing back up and schedule changes are flooding the counselor’s office. While most schedule changes are due to the bumps associated with the start of a new semester, others are geared toward getting in a popular, favorite class.
Just how do the Warriors love to learn? We asked a few students to see what their favorite classes were.
“My favorite class is dance, I love dancing!” – Ariel Pittman
“Literature with Ms. Ray because I love having all types of creative discussions instead of always doing busywork.” – Nicole Spektor
“In film we do hands on filming and editing, which is something I like to do.” -Taylor Diamond
“Theater Arts is my favorite class because you can express yourself in a creative, fun, and academic way.” – Chandler Smith
“Math with Dr. Daniels because she has so much patience and does everything just to see me walk in May. Plus, she he has such a good sense of humor.” – Mariely Diaz
“Favorite class? The bus.” – Fraser Pearson
Some may prefer certain classes because of fun teachers, while others love the class because the subject is interesting. Whatever the reason, everyone has that one class that we just run to.