Cafeteria TVs Come To Life
What will show up on the cafeteria TV screens next?
Recently the televisions that have remained off for the past two years in the cafeteria, have finally turned on. The process was long and very difficult for the administrators and leaders at our school. The televisions are “owned” by Sodexo, the company that controls our menu for the cafeteria. “It took us two years to set up these TVs, and it is still a work in progress,” said Vice Principal Robert Whitman, a key role player in the progress of the TVs.
So far the TVs only display a few things on them each day. The day they made their debut appearance, they had Kid President in the corner with Sports Center and the lunch “menu,” which was just pizza that day. Later that week the menu was fully developed showing all the possible selections that anyone could choose for lunch. “It was frustrating to see one thing on the menu for those first two days,” said Whitman.
The difficulty behind the TVs lies in the process of getting programs filtered by Sodexo as well as Atlanta Public Schools. It definitely will become more and more developed as the years go on. “The ultimate goal will be to put eleven stories or other school news on them,” Whitman said.
These TVs will be a useful resource for students to stay informed about what’s going on at North Atlanta. It will be a long process but when it is finished these TVs will forever transform the daily lives of every student.