Ugg Season or Ugg-ly?
Whether worn with jeans, leggings or skirts, Uggs are a staple in the wardrobe for many girls at North Atlanta.
The classic Ugg boots have been a staple in many girls wardrobe since the early-2000s. Whether tall, short, buttoned, chestnut, chocolate, black or gray, it doesn’t matter, the Australian shoe company is known by many in our southern city of Atlanta. Once the cold weather rolls around, the Uggs get broken out. I’ve had my tall, chestnut Uggs for about four years now and they’re well loved, but can I wear them again?
The question now is: “Are Uggs too middle school?” I’ve gone out and talked to many fashion savvy students to see how they feel about the iconic Ugg boot. “Yes! It’s always Ugg season,” sophomore Ansley Barbieri said. “Uggs keep my feet warm. I’d probably freeze with out them.”
Regardless of if it’s Ugg season or not, the question right now is whether or not Uggs are still in. Many girls believe that the shoe is strictly for comfort and warmth in the deep winter months, some think the shoe is a go to, and others say that the shoe is something you should never wear. While some say “Uggs are only cute in winter,” many guys are not fans of the shoes at all. “Uggs are not cute, especially the short Uggs. Just ew,” said freshmen Dante Bastien. “They put the ‘ug’ in ugly.”
It was unanimous that the boys did not like the shoes. Sophomore Tucker Shields said, “it’s definitely not Ugg season. They just aren’t that cute.”
Personally, I think it’s Ugg season, but I probably won’t be wearing my Uggs until December. Many broke out theirs at the first hint of cold air. I’ll leave it up to my fellow North Atlanta students to decide whether it’s Ugg season, or its time to retire this formerly fashionable footwear.
Jack Yanoshik • Nov 28, 2015 at 8:53 pm
I would contest your statements about universal male distaste of Ugs. I personally believe that Uggs are an absolutely amazing accessory, a true boon on our school, and a marvelous accomplishment of modern technology and cheap labor. They might even by the greatest technolgical marvel of this century or for the matter any century. Who needs electricty, penicillan, or computers when you can have a nice pair of uggs. Really those old coots like Edison and Bell are truly dwarfed in intelligence and creativity by whatever genius invented the Ugg. I truly hold the belief that it is always Ugg season winter or summer. Day or night. 24/7 all anyone should wear is Uggs. In fact I would go so far as to say that not just females should wear Uggs every solitary human being should wear Uggs. I think in fact we should have the school have a mandatory Uggs policy where everyone has to wear Uggs or face severe consequences. So as you can see I really like Uggs and take great offense to your misguided and downright silly stereotypes about males and Uggs.
Maddie Peckham • Dec 8, 2015 at 8:28 am
I agree, Jack. When looking around our school, I see so many males not wearing Uggs. Even if they are, they have just borrowed them from their girlfriends. I agree that all males and females should wear uggs and we should have a manditory Ugg policy. Uggs define America. You aren’t American of you dont own a pair of Uggs. I’d go so far as to say that you are a Commie spy if you don’t wear Uggs. Better dead than red!