Seniors Hit the College Application Season
Senior councilor, Mr. Robinson, helps students understand the process of sending applications to colleges.
Seniors, it’s that time of the year. Football season? Yes. Fall colors. Yeah, that too. But for you it’s really this time of the year – tackling college applications.
Applications to the institutions where you’ll be spending the next four years of your life are pretty important things. But how to tackle these applications without giving yourself too much stress? The smooth path toward getting to the college of your dreams should start with questions to Daryl Robinson, the 12th Grade Academy counselor. “The most important thing – more important than anything else – is getting ahead of the process and doing things now,” Robinson said.
Step 1 is going to Georgia College 411 and creating an account. The website can help seniors learn everything they need to know about the college of their choosing. Details about the institutions include the average GPA of those accepted along with their test scores.
Step 2 is submitting transcripts and standardized test scores to Robinson. With these scores, he can send them on to colleges through “Parchment,” a website used by school counselors to transmit those all-important scores. In our numbers-driven world, these scores are vital.
Step 3 is completing those never-fun college essays. “I’m sorry if this is not your favorite thing to do but it’s just something you have to get done,” Robinson said.
Robinson said seniors should personalize their essays to make them stand out from other applicants. Focus on your own life story and personal experiences, avoiding clichés while you do so.
A senior year can go by quickly, Robinson reminds, so the wise won’t wait too long to get a jump-start on this important process. “Your future is now, so seize the day,” he said.