It’s an ongoing occurrence that students abuse the privileges of having their phones during school hours. So much so that the administration is taking charge in making students lock their phones up before going to class. Students will no longer be able to use their phones until 3:30 when they leave school. These teenagers are going to go bonkers!
Schools around us have already implemented these rules and Dubs see it as psychotic. Despite their harsh feelings, they will soon go through the struggle of no social media for a whole day. These phone addicts will be forced to use their brains for the whole day rather than letting their handy cell phones hold their hands, literally. Students see these phone lockers as “jail cells” due to the restrictions this rule will cause. Brooks Binder and his classmates feel like their phones are on the “most wanted” list because of how urgent these jail cells are coming into play. “How can they take my most prized possession,” Binder said. “Sometimes I feel like it’s all I have on a gloomy Monday morning.”
Instead of new updates on their phones, it will soon be their brains! Many Dubs are going to adopt a new view of school without their cellular phones. The newest songs on spotify or pictures on instagram will never compare to a new history unit. Excitement, especially for teachers, is on the way with the newest addition of phone lockers. Not having to worry about phones distracting their students will be a gamechanger for their lesson engagement! At least that’s what they think. In reality, phones are what keep students from falling asleep during class. Without that entertainment, these kids would be out like a light as soon as they sat down. Is it really reasonable to think learning about WWI for the third year in a row hasn’t gotten old? “To be honest, my phone is the only thing that keeps me from falling asleep in first period and not getting up until I hear the bell at 3:30,” Hayes Harpenour said.
These kids aren’t having it, in regard to the new cell phone rules, students are planning a riot for the day of the disgraceful new policies. On April 1st, students will protest these deranged additions. They will leave their classes after third period and march down the halls chanting, “Give me my cell, before the bell; give me my cell, before the bell!” In hopes of getting the job done, students could soon be bailed from the scandalous phone jail that holds all of their thoughts and personalities. “I’ll participate in any movement to get my beloved phone back,” Ellie Lane said. “I don’t know what I would do without it!”
Students do not need to stress, as it seems like this riot will take care of the disastrous rules being implemented. Dubs and their cellular devices live to see another day.