In August of 2021, over 500 students walked through the doors of North Atlanta High School for the first time. 4 years later, the Class of 2025 has proven to have an impressive mix of scholars and athletes, but few have managed to be successful at both. Of those few, star tennis player and high-ranking senior Graham Bauer stands out. Bauer’s perseverance and intensity on the court and in the classroom is one of a kind and his accolades reap this special ability.
If you were to watch Bauer play tennis, showcasing a perfect combination of gracefulness and power as he dances around the court and smacks the ball anywhere he wants to, you would think he’s a seasoned veteran of the sport. However, he only started in 8th grade, and because of his sheer athletic prowess, he picked it up as fast. Since then, Bauer has moved up the Varsity ranks, playing singles 2 this year as a co-captain. “Tennis did come easy to me at first, but I have only been able to develop thanks to hard work and god,” said Bauer.
Not only is he a threat behind the net, he’s also a weapon in the classroom. Bauer boasts an astounding (gpa) GPA, giving him a class rank of (number) out of 600 students in the Class of 2025. Thanks to four years of hitting the books hard, Bauer has attracted attention from many different colleges, opting to stay home and take his talents to the Georgia Institute of Technology. “I put in a lot of work in the classroom to get to where I’m at. Blessed is truly an understatement,” said Bauer.
Affectionately referred to as “Ming Dynasty” by those close to him, Bauer is well liked by his senior peers. On the weekends, you will likely be able to find Bauer hanging out with friends. Senior Rigsby Gullet had high praise for the young buck when I asked him about what makes Graham so special. “I think it’s his willingness to try new things, especially multicultural experiences,” said Gullet.
It’s a daunting task to find something bad to say about senior Graham Bauer. The blend of his athletic talent, superb intelligence, and personable attitude is a winning formula for a high schooler. North Atlanta is beyond proud to have such an exceptional student and future alumni.