As the weather starts to cool down, the winter festivities begin. At North Atlanta High School that means Winter Concerts for the fine arts programs. The band, chorus, and orchestra are all planning their upcoming concerts after Thanksgiving break. The sounds of instruments rehearsing together can all be heard on the third-floor music hall. Schedules are filling up with rehearsal dates, students are practicing for countless hours outside of school, and the nerves are starting to set in. In the middle of all the stress and chaos, memories between the students are being made. These will be cherished long after the concert comes to an end.
With the many different classes and the many different people, it can be hard to coordinate a time for everyone to come together before the concert for rehearsal. It’s either pulling people out of class or having after-school rehearsals. Neither is preferred but we know with the latter there will be plenty of complaining. No one, including teachers, wants to stay late. Maryam Hashim, in the orchestra, is excited for the upcoming concert, but nervous about how they will all sound together. “Working with everyone can be challenging because we have three different classes,” said Hashim.
Getting everyone together at the same time is not the only behind-the-scenes work happening. Everyone, whether in chorus, band, or orchestra is practicing for hours. The sounds of their instruments are heard all across the house. The night before, especially, is when the nerves start to set in. Lizzie Gutierrez, a member of the chorus, is looking forward to the concert. She is feeling confident, but sometimes the nerves get to her. “I try to relax the night before, but I mostly practice my music because I am so nervous,” said Gutierrez
Although there are many tough parts about preparing for a concert there are also the parts that make it all worth it. Lea Stanojevic, a dedicated clarinet player for the band, enjoys every second of it. For her, the long hours of practice are worth it. She loves getting to improve on her own while making lifelong connections with friends. The sounds of the laughter, chatter, and musical instruments all contribute to the fun memories made. “Having fun with my friends after school is my favorite part,” said Stanojevic
A lot of preparation goes into the Winter Concerts at North Atlanta, especially from the students. The hours they spend and the work they do to make it an enjoyable experience for the audience at their concert are amazing, making a night filled with music, passion, and unforgettable memories.