As we stand on the cusp of 2024, anticipation is at an all-time high. It’s not just about flipping the calendar pages; it’s about catching the pulse of what’s hot and happening. Staying on top of trends and what is officially out can be hard to do. With so many differing opinions, it is hard to decipher what is true to you and what is considered hopping on a bandwagon. Embracing your authenticity will forever be the trend that never goes out of style. That being said, we can all sometimes find ourselves asking; What’s hot and what’s not?
Junior Henry Katz finds himself reflecting on two things that he is starting to turn his nose up toward. Despite having a dog himself, Katz has declared small dogs out. “Once you make the switch to a big dog, you can never go back,” he said.
Another hot take of his includes the up-and-coming hairstyle: the buzzcut. “Although some can pull it off,” he said. “The majority of people who get one have to wait it out until they return to their former glory.” According to Henry Katz, long hair and big dogs are a must-have and definitely in for the new year.
In an era dominated by social media, one app has every teenager hooked: Snapchat. Snapchat is centered around sending pictures back and forth and keeping friends up to date through private stories. While this app can be a fun way to meet new people and stay connected, many are outgrowing the repetitive nature of the app. Junior Ellie Winslade is past the constant snapping back and forth and is ready to move on from this app. “I honestly do not see the point of Snapchat,” she said. “It was fun in middle school, but it’s time for everyone to let go.”
Uggs, the iconic Australian footwear brand, incorporates an unparalleled combination of comfort and style. These cozy boots, made of the softest material known to man, are more than just footwear—they’re a lifestyle statement. The effortless blend of functionality and fashion make Uggs a staple shoe in so many people’s wardrobes. Because of their popularity, they have definitely carved out a permanent place in the fashion landscape. Junior Maddie Afariet finds herself constantly reaching for these shoes when picking out her outfit. “It’s the perfect mix of comfort and cuteness,” she said. “What’s not to love?” It’s safe to say that Uggs are definitely in for 2024.
Although it is fun to stay up to date with the newest trends, it is important to keep in mind that they are constantly changing and it is impossible to stay on top of everything. Just stay true to yourself and remember, a buzzcut isn’t just a haircut, it’s a power move.