Facing The Future: Dash Wang Becomes a 2023 Posse Scholar
Presenting this years NAHS Posse Scholar: a promising senior, Dash Wang has won a full ride scholarship to George Washington University and will be spending his next four years as a student in the nation’s capital.
As the end of the year is quickly approaching, the seniors of the building are sighing with relief at the end of their first-semester college craze. Five months of essays, interviews, and tours are finally coming to a close for our eldest North Atlanta Warriors. One such senior has had a rewarding result to an overly stressful season. Dash Wang, a Warrior on his way to George Washington University in Washington, D.C., is in the exciting position of being a 2023 Posse Scholarship winner.
The Posse Foundation is a nonprofit organization that partners with U.S. colleges and universities to provide scholarships and promote leadership among exceptional students. Each year, scholars pulled from ten major cities are awarded full-tuition scholarships to the Posse university they have matched with. North Atlanta has a history of producing Posse Scholars, and this year was no exception.
Senior Dash Wang heard about the program as most high schoolers do, from arguably one of the most important adults of senior year: his college counselor. Once nominated, he was accepted as an applicant and pushed on to the interview rounds of the process. “Originally I wasn’t completely convinced about the program,” said Wang. “But once I learned more about it I realized that it may actually be a good fit for me.”
The process for Wang included three rounds of interviews, including a large group meeting, a one-on-one interview, and then the final round. Although the process was long, Wang was determined to see it through. By the end of his second interview, his potential was clear and he was moved into the pool of 25 potential scholars for George Washington University. Out of those 25, ten Atlanta teens were chosen to walk on campus next year as proud Posse Scholars with full tuition. This year a North Atlanta Warrior will be among them. “What I’m most excited about is that I’ll be going into college already alongside a group of people with similar interests,” said Wang.
This fall, Wang’s days will be filled with starting new classes, adjusting to a new home, and doing what Posse Scholars do best – learning how to lead. With a plan to major in international business, being in the nation’s capital will provide him with access to internships and opportunities in many areas. Outside of school work, Wang plans on continuing his career as a high school tennis player by joining the university’s impressive club tennis team. “I’m really looking forward to exploring all the clubs that the school has to offer,” he said. “I may even look into photography!”
Our seniors will soon be off to face their futures, whether as students, interns, or Posse Scholars. Dash Wang is taking his place as one of North Atlanta’s Posse Scholar alumni and will soon be off to continue his journey as one of Gen Z’s best and brightest.