New Year, New Dubs: NAHS Students’ New Year’s Resolutions
A new year marks the chance for a somewhat fresh start. 2022 was definitely one for the books, but the beginning of 2023 means the ability for people to set and accomplish new goals and ambitions. From resolutions of hitting the gym to being more productive in school or work, the possibilities are endless. Making the most out of the year is undoubtedly a top priority, and students at North Atlanta have creative and meaningful outlooks on how to put their 2023 to good use.
Out of all the new resolutions someone can make, deciding to immerse yourself in pages of books is definitely a good one. Reading is one of the best forms of entertainment, allowing people to enter another level of imagination. In such a technology-centered world, reading is becoming a more rare activity, especially for teenagers. So, putting down the phones and picking up the books is the way to go. “I noticed that I spend all my free time on my phone, and it’s starting to get old,” said Kendall Love. “For my New Year’s resolution, I have decided to read more books instead of being on my phone.”
Others are choosing to put their mental health first as a 2023 goal. “After almost four years of high school, I’ve really realized how important it is to take care of my mental health,” said senior Liv Peters. “Since school can be extremely stressful, my resolution for the new year is to improve my mental health.” School, with its daily pile-up of assignments and stress, can take a toll on some students. It is easy to let the weight of work, school, and extracurriculars become overwhelming, so an important goal for everyone this year should be taking care of their mental health.
For the Dubs, a new year means out with the old and in with the new; especially regarding new ambitions, goals, and experiences. Big or small, any positive change is worth working towards. Happy 2023 Warriors!