Thankful Travelers: The Dubs’ Thanksgiving Plans

Gobbles of Travelers: Dubs go far and wide for Thanksgiving celebrations.

Food, family, and football: three words comprise what many see as the cornerstones of Thanksgiving. As the holiday approaches, the Dubs eagerly await a much-needed break that fills them with gratitude. For some, the familiar food staples are what make Thanksgiving great, while others believe it’s the experiences you have and the people you spend the day with that make the beloved holiday special. 

Not far from home, the Sunshine State is a popular vacation spot for North Atlanta students, no matter the season. For freshman Michelle Baek, Florida is a special Thanksgiving destination for her family. In addition to their restaurant in Georgia, her parents also own a restaurant in Florida called Sombreros. Each Thanksgiving, the family heads down to Florida to help out with the buzz of travelers during the break. Baek loves that she can relax on the sandy beaches while still enjoying the season’s familiar traditions and foods. “My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the food, especially turkey because it’s my favorite,” she said. “It is a must for our trip.” 

Others choose to head north for their time off. Junior Christiana Campbell is heading to Tennessee to see her family and continue their annual Thanksgiving tradition. On her trip, she plans to visit the Gatlinburg Mountains, home to many breathtaking views of nature. The scenic mountains are a great chance to soak up the outdoors while unwinding with loved ones. “I look forward to cooking and talking to everyone,” she said. “I especially like getting to hang out with my cousins.” 

While family and food are seen as some of the most important aspects of Thanksgiving, some Dubs are willing to sacrifice this for a more spontaneous occasion. This year, sophomore Colin Shaughnessy was invited by his friend, Aiden Schuler, to spend the week in Puerto Rico. Though his favorite part of a traditional Thanksgiving is the food, Shaughnessy knows he likely won’t be able to indulge as much as usual. Instead, he will be busy exploring the island’s exotic nature. “I’ve never been to Puerto Rico before,” he said. “But I’m excited to see the beaches and the reefs.”

Whether students take a traditional or unconventional approach to Thanksgiving, either route ensures the making of fun memories. With travel finally returning to some level of normalcy, there are many things to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving Dubs!