It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas: Dub’s Favorite Holiday Traditions
Cheers, Dubs: The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes traditions carried across generations of Warriors.
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” said songwriter Meredith Wilson. From the fairytale-like, snow-covered streets of Ohio to the towering Christmas tree of the Rockefeller Center in New York, families worldwide are taking part in the beloved holiday. Some hang up mistletoe in hopes of an awkward Christmas interaction, others string so many lights on their house Santa could see them from the North Pole, and many spend the holidays surrounded by family galore (some more welcome than others). As Meredith Wilson said in his cherished Christmas classic, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. The question is: How do our Warriors get into the holiday spirit?
“Each year, my family and I gather collectible ornaments. Each one is unique to a special year. Over time, we have collected at least fifteen special ornaments to hang on our tree, and it is fun to remember past Christmases through the decorations.” – Malley Coogan (junior)
“On Christmas Eve, my family and I make a delicious pizza. Although it is uncommon to eat on Christmas Eve, the meal adds a fun twist to a traditional holiday.” – Isabelle Pillegi (senior)
“My family takes turns putting the star on the tree, and instead of opening presents at a regular time on Christmas morning, we all stay up until midnight to open them.” – Anthony Forbes (senior)
“Each year, my parents buy my brother and me Christmas pajamas that we sleep in and wear in the morning. Even though my brother is in college now and I’m about to be in college, it is exciting to see what pajamas I will wear this year.” – Sarah Anne Hamilton (senior)
“Like most families, my immediate and extended family gets together on Christmas Eve to have a huge family dinner filled with delicious holiday favorites.” Augustin Cox (freshman)
“On Christmas Eve, my family wears matching pajamas, and we sit on the couch together to watch Polar Express – my all-time favorite Christmas movie.” Sam Shu (freshman)
“I dress my dog as Rudolph every year, and he has to pull around our sleigh. It’s undoubtedly the highlight of the Christmas season.” – Raleigh Pyron (junior)
“My family and I go to my grandparent’s house and have an annual Christmas Eve lunch. The food is always amazing, and I leave feeling way too full.” – May May Mcwhirter (junior)
“I bake chocolate chip cookies and place milk by the fireplace, then tiptoe upstairs and lock my door until Santa arrives.” – Dylan Toliver (junior)
“My neighbors make my family and I reindeer food (which is just oats and sprinkles), and we spread the food all around my front yard.” – Cabell Townsend (freshman)
“On Christmas Eve, my extended family and I get together for dinner. There are usually at least 30 people present – which can get hectic very quickly. ” – Langley Pickens (junior)
“My dad and I get a new Christmas puzzle every holiday season to solve. It is always interesting to see which puzzle will characterize our Christmas.” Trista Rohrer (junior)
“My mom gets my sister and me advent calendars every year. I love waking up every morning and seeing what the surprise will be – it keeps the anticipation for Christmas high.” – Carter Martin (senior)
While one Dub may celebrate the holiday season slightly differently than the next, the joy of the holidays holds a special place in each of their hearts. While some strive for Christmases that entail bright lights pictured in “A Christmas Vacation,” others go for a quintessential small-town Christmas defined in “A Christmas Story.” No matter what shape, size, or color your celebrations may come in, it is beginning to look a lot like the holiday season, Dubs.