Getting Shafted: Let’s Make Our Elevators No-Cram Zones
Cramped Quarters: Sophomore Journalism 2 student Saniya LeDay is calling for more exhibited courtesy – and less people cramming into – North Atlanta’s famed elevators.
Everyone’s morning becomes a hassle when a bunch of teenagers shove themselves into one elevator. No matter where you stand, you’re going to be pushed or cramped in. There are elbows in rib cages, shoulders smushed into the walls, and bookbags smacking people in the elevator. On top of that, there’s the unpleasant body odors that fill the elevator. Then you go up two floors and there are more kids pushing their way into the elevators completely disregarding the elevator saying, “This elevator is full please take the next one.” When it’s time to get off, nobody wants to let you exit because they don’t want to lose their spot. This happens to me often and I have to repeatedly say “Excuse me!” Here’s what I really think: This crowded elevator issue needs to be fixed before someone actually gets suffocated in there.
Some of the kids at this school are very inconsiderate. They don’t care about anything but themselves when it comes to getting on the elevator and that isn’t okay. There are students with mobility challenges at our school. I have witnessed students push past other students in wheelchairs as well as those using crutches to secure a spot on the elevator. It is not fair especially when they were waiting at the elevator first. Sometimes common courtesy isn’t taught but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to learn. There are now signs posted that clearly state to let students with mobility challenges enter the elevator first. I think this is great and I hope it works!
In my opinion, I believe teachers should consider the fact that there are challenges for every student in the morning once arriving at school and these factors contribute to students being late for class. The elevators are overcrowded and the stairwells are congested. Students are marked tardy after waiting for the elevator to come. Sometimes there are teachers who might mark them tardy a minute. I mean one minute is kind of crazy honestly.
Now let’s talk about fire drills. These drills are the worst simply because it takes at least fifteen minutes to get back to class if you need to get on the elevator. My suggestion is to create a strategy to fit your needs the best. I have one, but it would no longer just be my strategy if I shared. (Wink.) I think we need to come up with solutions to help fix the problem – and to fix our need to get through the school and get to class on time. Maybe we need some type of elevator monitor that just sits on the elevator to make sure that everyone can comfortably fit. They could also make sure that the immature boys at our school don’t bounce or purposely ring the help bell on the elevator. Basically, we really need to stop the madness because claustrophobia is real.