Know The Code? School Dress Code Makes Some Uncomfortable
What We Wear: Sophomore Journalism 2 student Zoe Chewing weighs in on the school dress code and what she cites as the double standards it might contain.
A controversial topic between teachers and students is dress code. The option of getting to wear whatever you want in school is fun and most public school kids enjoy it. Teachers tend to be strict about certain things like the fingertip rule for skirts and shorts or not showing any shoulder. It is a disapproving look from them or they tell you to change. You can get a warning from the school or disciplinary action if dress coded a certain number of times for any item of clothing.
Students should be able to wear what they want as long as it’s not revealing enough to be inappropriate. Girls should be allowed to wear shorts and strap tops if wanted. It is obvious walking in the halls, teachers are looking at all the girls’ outfits. They almost skip over the boys with cuss words on their shirts. There are also other clothing items that often get dress coded such as durags for example. Durags are worn to protect hair or create a style of hair on boys yet the school system makes them take it off.
School dress codes are to help students know what attire to wear, not to help students learn and focus better in school. Saying the dress code is to help students better focus in school but then making girls cover up the holes in their jeans or making them get a ruler to measure a skirt is distracting. Taking a student out of class to discuss their clothing and then making them cover up for other students to see them and know they got dress-coded can end up making girls more uncomfortable for no reason.
Students could care less about what their peers are wearing. To think boys or even girls get distracted by shoulders or short clothing is almost laughable. To tell a girl to cover up can make them feel uncomfortable and make them think what they wear isn’t okay, or isn’t up to standards for everyone else. Making the girls more uncomfortable at school and not want to be in a place they feel ashamed to wear clothing they like.
The school’s dress code in my opinion is foolish and only does harm to students. Forcing your students to follow a guideline in school where they should feel comfortable. Everyone in the world wears clothing that doesn’t match other people’s expectations, doesn’t mean their age or where they are going to make them change into what fits in. Letting kids have the creative ability to do what they want and wear what they please will help create a better learning environment. Instead of teachers having to dress code and make students think less of themselves.