A North Atlanta Struggle: The Indecisive Thermostat
Hot and Cold: Sophomore Journalism 2 student Tess Moddy has more than a few things to say about the variable climates found within the 11 stories of North Atlanta High School.
Deciding whether to wear a snowsuit or a tank top and shorts to school should not have to be a monumental decision at 7:00 clock in the morning. This decision could lead to drastic consequences, yet it is a complete shot in the dark for North Atlanta High School students. Will you be sweating bullets or practically obtaining frostbite all day? The temperature in North Atlanta is highly unpredictable, with no warning. It will either be virtually snowing or scorching hot.
Students should not have to worry about whether they need to wear sweat-resistant clothing or enough layers to protect them from hypothermia. The temperature at NAHS must be stabilized and made uniform throughout the whole day and all of the building’s levels.
Every morning, students wake up, pick out an outfit and are expected to endure a long day of learning. How is this possible when we have to dress to be prepared for all of the 4 season’s temperatures? On the 7th floor, it’s freezing. On the eighth floor, it’s sultry. Then, on the ninth floor, it’s icy again. How are students expected to dress for the day when we have to tolerate such a wide range of temperatures? “Just dress for the warm and then bring a sweatshirt,” Teachers suggest. How are we supposed to fit a sweatshirt in our bags filled with binders and notebooks? We can barely fit our lunch boxes! “Carry it then….” Why should we be expected to carry our hefty backpacks and a wardrobe change while we travel 11 flights of stairs? The students are not the problem. The incalculable climate is.
I asked sophomore Bri Dunphy her opinion on the topic; she stated, “The temperature at NAHS is lowkey bipolar. It’s so frustrating showing up to class dripping sweat and then having to beg for a sweatshirt the next period.” This is a common and popular struggle expressed by the students. By 4th period, students have gone through enough bodily distress due to changing temperatures that school becomes more about trying to be comfortable rather than learning. We should not be subject to walking around feeling insecure and uncomfortable all day in an area that is supposed to be a pleasant and secure environment.
The changing temperatures throughout the day doesn’t just affect the students. It affects everybody in the building. This includes teachers, facilities, and all other bodies in the building. This is why it is surprising that it has not been a priority to facilitate. This is not a high requirement nor a high maintenance request. It is crucial for this to be fixed. Students are sick and tired of dealing with extensive temperature changes throughout the school day. Do better, NAHS.