Back in Full Force: Homecoming Returns to NAHS
Ecstatic Dubs: Students show their support for the upcoming Homecoming event!
To go big or go home? That certainly appears to be the big question right now, as students prepare for the approach of Homecoming! Homecoming is a yearly celebration that occurs typically at the beginning of the school year, with the intent to bring students of all grades together to celebrate school spirit. This celebration has become a widely participated American tradition, where students partake in things like dances and football games. This year at North Atlanta, students will be given the option to attend a school dance as well as the homecoming football game.
In the past couple of years, North Atlanta’s yearly tradition of homecoming has been canceled. Given the implications of Covid leading to the dance’s subsequent cancellation last year, the fact that Homecoming is being held this year makes students all the more excited. One student, sophomore Gabby Monsplair, is eagerly anticipating the arrival of the event. Ever since the buzz around the topic started floating around school, it’s all she can even talk about! “Being around your friends and peers while at a football game and dance is fun!,” said Monsplair. “It’s not something that you’ll get to experience outside of school, and it’s always nice to be able to build high school memories that you can look back on and smile about.”
However, not everyone is necessarily excited about the news of Homecoming. They claim to not see the significance or value in such an event, and will therefore not be attending. Sophomore Jailyn Davis takes a rather pessimistic view of the event. “I just don’t get the hype. Football games happen all the time, and it’s just some homecoming dance, it’s not like its prom. Not that big of a deal if you ask me, so I’ll be staying home.” said Davis.
Then again, there is always some middle ground between the two. Junior Kennedy Marable will not be attending the event but says she can see the appeal. “Personally, I have no interest in it, nor do I plan on going, but I could see why others are so caught up in the idea of it. Don’t get me wrong, it sounds fun, just not for me,” said Marable.
Nonetheless, homecoming is sure to make a memorable experience for many this year. Regardless of your personal opinion towards the event, many have an exciting outlook on Homecoming. Even if you are not attending, it’s good to notice the significance of the celebration and not belittle other students’ eagerness toward it. Homecoming week will be celebrated from September 25th through October 1st, with the football game occurring on the Friday of the 30th, and the dance following the day after. So whether you’re attending the events or not, be ready to show some Dub spirit!