Tardy to Timely: NAHS Welcomes Ms. Kimberly Robinson to the Attendance Office
A+ Attendance: After the departure of Ms. Jackson, beloved North Atlanta attendance clerk of 25 years, Kimberly Robinson is stepping into the role, where her memorable character and work ethic make for a perfect head count of Warrior spirit.
The 2021-2022 school year was full of firsts for a variety of teachers, students, and administrators. While some began an exciting new era, others saw the end of decades of service to Atlanta Public Schools. Last year, the beloved attendance clerk, Ms. Jackson competed her last year in the halls of North Atlanta, leaving behind an exceptional legacy of diligent service and kindness. From her cheery voice to her warm smiles, students irrefutably miss her commitment to their presence in the eleven stories. “Ms. Jackson’s bright attitude always made my day every time I walked into NAHS,” said junior Mary Martin.
While Ms. Jackson will always remain in the hearts and minds of NAHS students and teachers, an equally kind and committed new attendance clerk has stepped in to fill the shoes of Ms. Jackson, and her name is Ms. Kimberly Robinson.
North Atlanta’s former attendance clerk was no stranger to the routines and stressors of high school students, as she was an employee of Atlanta Public Schools for 40 years, yet neither is Robinson. For 24 years, Robinson worked for Detroit Public Schools as a teacher, among other education professions. Robinson later attended Wayne University in Detroit, Michigan, where she earned her teaching certificate. Originally, Robinson was aiming to earn a business degree, but life had other plans. Luckily for NAHS, she was led to the eleven stories. “Although a degree in business did not end up working out for me, I am happy about where I am now and am lucky to have ended up here, even though my days are indeed busy,” said Robinson.
A typical day in the office for Robinson has no shortage of tasks, leaving her sparse free time throughout the day. Arriving in the early hours of the morning and leaving at dusk, Robinson is attentive to attendance before, during and after students enter the building. Throughout the day, Robinson checks late students in, collects student absences, and enters student information into Infinite Campus, among other essential tasks, all while maintaining a kind smile and amiable attitude. “My days are sometimes stressful, and the role can be difficult, but interacting with students and being part of the NAHS community has made this job more than worth it,” said Robinson.
NAHS teenagers, abetted by endless sleep cycles, ever-changing schedules, and sloth-paced mornings, are bound to produce the occasional (or frequent) tardy or absence, and while they may prefer to pretend as if this instance never occurred, Ms. Robinson has plans of her own. So, from now on Warriors, set those alarm clocks ten minutes earlier, or you too might be on the dreaded tardy list.