And The Crowd Goes Wild: Seniors Bid Farewell To Chicago!
Final Farewell: Our beloved senior Dubs concluded their epic theater career at North Atlanta with the recent production of ‘Chicago! the Musical’. While we’ll miss their captivating stage presence at the mighty 11 stories, we know this cohort will go on to do great things. Break a leg!
With a little bit of Razzle Dazzle and a whole lotta’ Class, our talented seniors finalized their theater journey at North Atlanta with ‘Chicago! the Musical’. Bittersweet was their ultimate hoorah, as it symbolized the conclusion of their high school career, but, we know that these Dubs’ futures are bright!
Being in a production has its ups and downs, but at the end of the day, family is what brings these profound patrons together in order to wow the North Atlanta community, especially after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19. Carson Bauer, Senior at North and star of ‘Chicago!’ says, “The best part was definitely finally getting to act in person again. Seeing all of our work come together for an incredibly cohesive performance was a paramount way to end my time in the department!”
From the outside looking in, these thespians seem to only interact as a work unit, but, with an inside perspective one thing is clear as day: this cast is a family. Leaning on each other through the hard days was something that brought the actors together in a remarkable way, connecting on different levels, and creating a forever family. “The best part was the cast for sure,” said senior Caroline Newbern. “The people and band came together so well in the end. I am so thankful for them.”
Finally, the finite adieu to their ultimate production at NAHS. Seniors, especially those who have been in participation in the show for the entirety of their high school years, are finding themselves in a disheartening situation. Senior Annie Smith said, “It’s bittersweet. Luckily, I’m continuing to act in college, so it won’t be my last performance ever, but still, it’s a huge chapter in my life.”
Though the seniors will be missed, the world of theater continues to turn, allowing our juniors and underclassmen to step up and prove themselves as actors in the coming years. “I am so sad to see the seniors go,” said Red Mason, a junior Dub and Narrator in Chicago!. “I have been doing shows with them since middle school, so I genuinely can’t fathom how it will be without them.
To our seniors, break a leg in college, but don’t forget about us.