Disappointed Dubs: Volunteer Guideline Changes Cause Students to Sour
Challenging Changes: The recent changes to community service guidelines at North Atlanta have been met with generally negative reception among the Dubs.
With the dawn of a new age, or, 2022, the North Atlanta student body is less than eager to return to the routine of school requirements. Students seem to bear a lengthy list that outlines their requirements needed to graduate, this including, but not limited to: Community service. Volunteering time for the greater good of your community is something that is not only required for graduation, but is also something that is important in regards to morality and conscience of the mind. Helping the less fortunate will never lack in importance, which is why North Atlanta decided to alter the previously existing guidelines in regards to these required 75 hours.
When interviewed, many North Administrators emphasized the importance of helping your community, even outside the four walls of our great school. “The only main thing is that they are making it geared towards more community service organizations that are outside of school.” Said Class of 2025 School Counselor, Mr. Robinson. “It says that ‘community service is not self serving’ and that school service is not community driven.”
When looking at this guideline change with a narrow mind, it seems to offer many possibilities to the student body, but, when taking busy schedules into consideration, this rule change could seem unnecessary. Many students, such as those who take part in managing a sport, running concessions, or volunteering with North’s clubs, rely on these hours to help them get to their graduation goal. With the deficit of time, and the hope to balance school and personal life, these hours could seem impossible to reach completely outside of school. “I am extremely bothered by this guideline change.” Said sophomore Alexandra Kazamias. “I was going to become a wrestling manager… but now it feels like an unproductive waste of time.”
Besides the probability of lesser engagement within school activities, students with heavy concern regarding various programs like IB and CAS veer their heads as well. One of the issues that seemed most constant in the interview process was the lack of communication and warning that was presented alongside this change. “Well I am kind of in trouble because I used it for my IB service hours.” Said Junior and Wrestling Manager, Aria Bauer. “Now I do not really know what to do. They changed the guidelines with no warning. It’s so stupid.”
Recent ramifications have students buzzing: How do you feel about these sudden shifts?